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NPP 100


ANABOLIC        125
Active-Life:   1.5-3 DAYS FOR Nandrolone phenylpropionate
Drug Class:   Anabolic/Androgenic steroid (For Injection)
Average Reported Dosage: Men 200-600mg weekly Women 50-100mg weekly
Acne: Yes, in higher dosages in androgen sensitive individuals
Water Retention: Some, much less than testosterone.
Decreases HPTA function moderately
High Blood Pressure: Rare (When used in dosages over 600-mg weekly)
Aromatization: Low, converts to less active norestrogens
Liver Toxic: None.
DHT Conversion: No, converts to NOR- DHT with low activity
Noted Comments: Highly anabolic/moderate androgenic effects

Category: Tag: Product ID: 952


Nandrolone phenylpropionate is a very anabolic, moderate androgenic form of nortestosterone that was the most commonly used drug to create a rapid build-up of lean muscle mass or as a diet “protein- sparing” drug by athletes of all kinds. A prominent positive nitrogen balance occurs with the use of nandrolones and therefore a high protein intake was a must for all reported users. If you read the section on protein, you know that nitrogen in its bonded form is a part of protein/amino acids. Since nandrolone promotes nitrogen storage in muscle cells (a positive nitrogen balance) then the cell contains more protein for growth and repair than normal. Remember: This could only happen if above normal calories (with a focus on protein) were ingested. Since nandrolone is moderately androgenic, good strength gains also resulted. Another plus for nandrolone was that most users experienced a joint healing effect during cycles and a suppressed cortisol/cortisone activity due to nandrolones ability to long-term block cortisol receptors. Since aromatization was low, in 200-400-mg weekly dosages, anti-estrogens were not commonly necessary to avoid gyno and estrogenic induced side effects. Based upon available research and information available it seems liver toxicity is unknown with nandrolone. So it was not a surprise to find that even those with liver disease have used this drug with great success.
Common dosages for men were 200 600mg weekly. Though dosages over 400 mg weekly caused more water retention. For first time use of dosages over 400 mg weekly, I preferred to add 50-100mg Durabolin to each of the 2 weekly injections. This was because Durabolin is much faster acting and therefore creates chance for water retention and gyno. (This applied to first -time users only)

An added benefit of this method was that nandrolone decanoate begins significant activity at 6 days and peaks at about 8 days after administration. The faster acting durabolin “kicks in” after about 1 day. This also resulted in higher “quality” muscle tissue gain.
Women seemed to do very well with nandrolones due to the lower androgenic/masculining effect. Women consistently reported excellent lean mass and strength gains at dosages of 50-100 mg weekly. Masculine effects usually were avoided by single weekly injections of 25-50 mg nandrolone decanoate and 25-50 mg of Durabolin (nandrolone phenylpropionate). In both men and women, this method seemed to result in more “quality” muscle, less water retention, less gyno for males, and good retention of gains after the cycle ends.
*Metabolites can be found in urine or blood tests for 12-18 months after use of nandrolone is discontinued.
*Significant anabolic qualities.
*High quality (but slow) lean tissue gains.
*Excellent post-cycle lean mass retention.
*Low-moderate water retention.
*Low aromatization to estrogens.
*Does not negatively effect HDL.
*Moderate strength and weight gain.
*Noted improvement in joint/soft tissue function.
*Excellent protein sparing /anti-catabolic qualities.
*Inhibition of fat synthesis.
*Increased metabolic rate.
*Does not reduce to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)
*Very low-moderate HPTA function inhibition. (Dose Dependent)
*Increased muscle glycogen synthesis.
*Increased Creatine Phosphate (CP) synthesis.
*Reduction in total triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
*Beneficial/improved insulin metabolism.

*Poor protection from over training.
*Some males experienced decreased libido (Not true for women) *Inhibition of HPTA function at dosages in excess of 400 MG weekly.
Nandrolone binds to the androgen receptor to a greater degree than testosterone, but due to its inability to act on the muscle in ways unmediated by the receptor, has less overall effect on muscle growth. The drug is also unusual in that unlike most anabolic steroids, it is not broken down into the more reactive DHT by the enzyme 5a-reductase, but rather into a less effective product. As such, some of the negative effects associated with most such drugs are somewhat mitigated.
The positive effects of the drug include muscle growth, appetite stimulation and increased red blood cell production and bone density. Clinical studies have shown it to be effective in treating anaemia, osteoporosis and some forms of neoplasia including breast cancer, and also acts as a progestin-based contraceptive. Nandrolone is also extensively used by bodybuilders and other athletes seeking an edge in professional competition.
Nandrolone phenylpropionate is a fast-acting form of nandrolone. Nandrolone is chemically related to the male hormone testosterone. Compared to testosterone, it has an enhanced anabolic and a reduced androgenic activity. This has been demonstrated in animal bioassays and explained by receptor binding studies. The low androgenicity of nandrolone is confirmed in clinical use. In the human, nandrolone has been shown to positively influence calcium metabolism and to increase bone mass in osteoporosis. In women with disseminated mammary carcinoma, nandrolone has been reported to produce objective regressions for many months. Furthermore, nandrolone has a nitrogen-saving action. This effect on protein metabolism has been established by metabolic studies and is utilised therapeutically in conditions where a protein deficiency exists such as during chronic debilitating diseases and after major surgery and severe trauma. In these conditions, nandrolone phenylpropionate serves as a supportive adjunct to specific therapies and dietary measures as well as parenteral nutrition, due to it’s faster acting nature nandrolone phenylpropionate is preffered in situations where a faster clinical response is required over it’s chemical variant nandrolone decaonate.


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